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Touring Kamchatka in winter

Action-packed adventure tours to Kamchatka in winter will reveal this northerly land in all its unparallelled beauty. Kamchatka is known as ‘the land of fire and ice,’ and a trip there in winter will leave one huge mark in your mind. Jaw-dropping romantic landscapes. Stunning beauty of hulking, formidable volcanoes. On the other hand, winter in Kamchatka is actually milder than in most parts of Siberia. That means that you can go ahead and plan your 2018 winter vacation in Kamchatka.

Trips to Kamchatka in winter, lasting from a day to a week


Kamchatka is the ideal place for your winter vacation. Any season is good, but winter settings will make your journey so unbelievably good that, yearning to experience such overwhelming emotions over and over again, you will end up wanting more and more of Kamchatka!

Snow-blanketed mountains and volcanoes; rivers hidden under a thick layer of ice; ground floors of apartment buildings completely blocked off and made inaccessible. But every time a blizzard subsides, sun invariably comes out radiant against the deep blue sky.

All that makes for a plethora of adventure opportunities, including heli-skiing down the slopes of active volcanoes, dog sled rides, snowmobile and jeep tours to hot springs, and unforgettable helicopter excursions to the crazy colours of volcanic phenomena amid the pristine winter white. To boot, winter activities in Kamchatka may be intense, but they don’t require any special skills or conditioning – it suffices just to be in reasonable physical form.

Snowmobile excursions


Helicopter excursions

Kamchatka is unique. It is incredibly beautiful, largely unknown, and as unfathomable as the whole Universe. When still thousands of miles away from Kamchatka, the future visitor has no idea of the sheer attractive power of this amazing land. But once you disembark from your jet and make your first step on the land of Kamchatka, you are overwhelmed by the desire to see as much as possible and delve as deep as possible. For no itinerary will encompass all of Kamchatka!

In any case, a fascinating flight will adorn any itinerary. Marvel at the peninsula’s treasures, circle above erupting volcanoes, land near hot springs, ski or snowboard down a volcano slope – everything is possible when you have a helicopter!

Dog sleds

These used to be the principal means of transportation in Kamchatka, but nowadays they are only used in the remotest northern parts of the peninsula – and as a winter sport!

Long winter tours in Kamchatka for 2018 

This is a trip that will leave nobody unimpressed. Every tour includes accommodation with thermal pools attached.


зимний тур на камчаткуWinter Story: a comfortable tour


All that’s good about winter in Kamchatka: skis, dog sledges, volcanoes, hot springs.

Planned tours for groups of 5 to 10 people in 2018: Jan 3 to 9, Jan 12 to 18, Jan 21 to 27, Feb 1 to 7, Feb 10 to 16, Feb 20 to 26, Mar 6 to 12, Mar 16 to 22 марта, Mar 25 to 31 марта, Apr 4 to 10

Durations: 7 days / 6 nights
Price per person


Alpine skiing and snowboarding

Alpine skiing season kicks off in November, and winter sports flourish. Settings include the Kozelsky volcano and Vilyuchinsky Pass. Jeeps take you up to about 900m above sea level, then we hike to the starting point. Two or three good descents can be done in one day, and any number of people from one to six can book a tour for any day, barring bad weather. This continues to be viable until late December when we will have to switch from jeeps to snowmobiles.



Get off a helicopter, find yourself treading the snow-cap of a mountain – and go for a dizzying descent across untouched, sparkling snow. Unforgettable experience! Descend amid pristine silence where the only visible marks on virgin snow will be those that you left yourself.

Alpine descent and freeriding tour:


Хели-Ски на ЗакатеClassic freeride

downhill, backcountry, heliski

Tours planned for: Mar 14 to 21, Mar 24 to 31
Duration: 8 days

Price per person: 77 600 RUB


The sea and the ocean hugging Kamchatka make winters near the peninsula’s coasts very mild, making winter tourism no less rewarding emotionally than exploring the place in summer time. Coastal residents even find central Russia’s winter weather pretty harsh, while the norm for January in Petropavlovsk hovers around just five or ten degrees below zero. To boot, winter makes more roads appear on the map, enabling 4WD vehicles to access many inhabited localities in remoter parts of the peninsula.


Winter tours and excursions in Kamchatka are held from December through May, offering various kinds of activities in this fantastic world. We list prices for Kamchatka tours per person; upon your request, any tour and any excursion can be arranged on an individual basis. We can also organise your vacation if you are travelling with children.


Alpine skiing and snowboarding

Kamchatka is a natural paradise for fans of alpine skiing and snowboarding. Existing trails will suit amateurs and pros, while volcanoes and snow-covered passes offer the best of freeriding opportunities!

Snowmobile tours

More than an ideal venture for fans of exotic winter activities, tours and excursions on snowmobiles are a way of getting to the remoter and less accessible parts of the peninsula.

Dog sleds

Blue skies, radiant sun, snow bursting from under the skids! Real Kamchatkan huskies, swift as wind, will carry you to the bases of volcanoes. Driving a dog sled, a skill so traditional here and so exotic elsewhere, can be learnt here; dog-driven sleds are an integral part of winter vacations in Kamchatka.


Volcanoes of Kamchatka gave birth to hundreds of hot springs some of which have been ‘tamed’ and turned into superb pools. No matter whether you prefer ‘untamed’ springs or pools, Kamchatka’s health-boosting waters rank among unique features of the peninsula, making any winter vacation here incomplete without them.

Winter trips to the peninsula are pure fantasy. Think about alpine skiing down the slope of a real volcano?! Slide all the way from crater to base, then hop on a chopper and get on another volcano down which only hardened freeriding fans would venture slide – if that isn’t what every fan of winter vacations in the mountains dreams about, we don’t know what is!



We can tailor an individual winter tour and calculate its price upon your request by way of putting together any sequence of trips and excursions we offer our customers, or by including some other remarkable Kamchatka’s destinations to make your vacation as action-packed as unforgettable. Just contact us in your preferred manner!









Yevgeny Kostyukov​

phone .: +7-914-625-33-99


skype-400 evgeny.kostyukov


