Touring Kamchatka

Touring Kamchatka for the experienced and not so experienced – alike!

• All trips and excursions available for groups and individuals • Experienced guides • Superb equipment • Reliable, specially prepared 4WD vehicles •



Dear visitor! If new roads, new friends, and new unforgettable experience is what you’re looking for, you have found it all. We are the doors that are open for you: the doors to the wild, mysterious, and beautiful land called Kamchatka.

It is a unique place, famed for active volcanoes, thermal springs, rivers, pathways, and villages. The amazing Valley of Geysers reveals the secrets of volcanic processes while the Kuril Lake exposes the sights of brown bears fishing and Pacific salmon spawning.

Touring Kamchatka can be done both wildly and comfortably. There are volcanoes to climb or view from near their bases; beautiful places to travel, rivers to raft down, brown bears to observe, and fish to catch. Winter season offers skiing and snowboarding down volcano slopes topped by soaking in thermal springs. Sail just off the main city to enjoy one of the prettiest bay views in the world or walk barefooted on the black Pacific beach. Specially prepared jeeps will take you to the remote areas of the peninsula during any season.

Discount Info! Tour Kamchatka between January and April 2018, and get 10% off if booking before December 1, 2017!

зимний тур на камчаткуWinter Story: a comfortable tour


All that’s good about winter in Kamchatka: skis, dog sledges, volcanoes, hot springs.



Planned tours for groups of 5 to 10 people in 2018: 
Jan 3 to 9, Jan 12 to 18, Jan 21 to 27, Feb 1 to 7, Feb 10 to 16, Feb 20 to 26, Mar 6 to 12, Mar 16 to 22 марта, Mar 25 to 31 марта, Apr 4 to 10


Durations: 7 days / 6 nights
Price per person


Хели-Ски на ЗакатеClassic freeride

downhill, backcountry, heliski

Tours planned for: Mar 14 to 21, Mar 24 to 31
Duration: 8 days

Price per person: 


The Kamchatka Peninsula ranks among the remotest and least accessible of the inconceivably huge country that is Russia. Kamchatka is still completely out of reach overland, making it an island logistically while being a peninsula geographically, and also enabling the locals to refer to the rest of Russia as ‘mainland.’

We offer a tailored winter tour we call Winter Story. It features accommodation with thermal pools and daily snowmobile excursions by some of the most picturesque routes to some of the most popular places.

All our summer tours and excursions are categorised into three levels of difficulty to suit all personal tastes and match all degrees of fitness. Those are comfortable tours, active tours (with some trekking), and extreme tours (including rock-climbing). 

Seep in aboriginal culture and traditions in nomadic camps during ethnic festivals. Find something new and exciting in huge nature parks and reserves. And diehard fishermen who partake of our fishing tours will be rewarded amply in emotion, impressions, and catch!

IProviding comfort is an important part of our job. The lodgings, manned by friendly staff, are always out of town; you will stay in cozy, clean twins and doubles, and a pool with thermal water is guaranteed!

No, that’s no job – that’s lifestyle

Did something like this ever happen to you?..

The place where you were born and grew up…

… where you met your first love and lived through your first spell of happiness…

… where every foot-path you stepped on took you to marvelous things and marvelous people…

… did that place feel intensely, almost painfully YOURS?

… were you all set to say it was your home and you knew everything about it?..

Many people, no doubt, will say after having this kind of experience: This is my home and it’s all mine!

But I am a hugely happy man to have been born in Kamchatka, and it’s an entirely different, though still overwhelming, feeling that I have when I look at those blue summits of hills and volcanoes – at the lush green of rolling valleys – at the radiant morning glow that caresses the friendly Pacific. I’m no master: I don’t see myself as an omniscient guide when I step soundly upon the searing crack-work of lava outcroppings, strolling bravely to lands unknown.

Over these years, I barely scraped that unfathomable power and inebriating beauty, forever imprinted in my heart!

Kamchatka cannot be exhausted or conquered; you will never leave a mark on her body; but let me tell you one secret: you can make friends with her, and perhaps she will let you come so close that you’ll have to visit her again and again, as life will become impossible without her…
Well, my team and myself will be happy to help you out in this hard, and indeed very dodgy matter!

Until we meet again…

Yevgeny Kostyukov,

Kamchatka Outdoors


One tour, no matter how versatile and well-planned, cannot encompass all that is beautiful about Kamchatka, and even those who live there discover the place ever and ever anew. Many came to view their friendship with Kamchatka as a travel that never ends, and keep seeking and awaiting new meetings…

Make no mistake: we, humans, are not in charge there. Nature reigns supreme in the forest, in the northernmost tiny village, and in the big city alike. Weather has the last word on whether or not you see that beautiful sight. So when you pack up for the long journey, tune yourself to a warm contact with a huge, responsive, and mighty living thing.

Booking tours is quite a simple and straightforward process. Just choose the one you prefer, pick up an available date, and contact us in any way you like. We can also tailor an individual tour just for you by combining any components of any of our tours and excursions.


Yevgeny Kostyukov​

phone .: +7-914-625-33-99


skype-400 evgeny.kostyukov


